Clean Energy Policy News

2 June 2015
The Clean Energy Solutions Center today announced the launch of the Clean Energy Grid Integration Network—which offers resources and services to help governments around the world strengthen policies and programs to enable high levels of renewable energy generation for electricity systems along with related demand response, smart grid, and storage solutions. Learn more.
1 June 2015
Energy industry leaders will meet today in Washington D.C. to discuss renewable energy as an important component of U.S. energy policy at The Renewable Energy Transition, an event that will feature speakers from the International Renewable Energy Agency, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Energy and the American Council on Renewable Energy Strategy. Learn more.
29 May 2015
A new International Energy Agency publication, the second in its How2Guide series, uses case studies and specific experience gleaned from IEA workshops to explain how best to incorporate cutting-edge monitoring and management into electricity systems. Learn more.
29 May 2015
Energy experts gathered in New York City this month to discuss progress on the SE4All Energy Efficiency Accelerator program. Learn more.
29 May 2015
The results of a three-year study that shine a light on “getting smarter about resource use in Asia” have just been made public by researchers at the United Nations Environment Programme in partnership with SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Support Component, Australia’s national science agency CSIRO and the Asia Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Learn more.
29 May 2015
Energy efficiency’s role in changing utility models and how we can double global energy productivity were hot topics at this year’s EE Global Forum, which was held in Washington, DC on May 12-13. Learn more.
28 May 2015
At the sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM6), world energy leaders announced ambitious actions to accelerate the global transition to clean energy, including global efforts addressing three critical technology and policy challenges: efficient lighting, low-carbon power systems, and the availability of information about policies for low-carbon development. Learn more.
27 May 2015
Vickie Healey of the Solutions Center recently interviewed William Becker of the Presidential Climate Action Project as part of a coordinated effort to draft a climate knowledge brokers’ manifesto. Learn more.
27 May 2015
The Global Green Freight Action Plan was officially launched today at the International Transport Forum's 2015 Annual Summit in Leipzig, Germany. The plan was called for when 50 countries and organizations officially endorsed its development at last year's Climate Summit. Learn more.
27 May 2015
Despite a few recent success stories, clean energy progress is falling well short of the levels needed to limit the global increase in temperatures to no more than 2 degrees Celsius, according to an International Energy Agency tracking report presented this week at the sixth Clean Energy Ministerial. Learn more.