Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

Coming Attractions
In addition to advancing a dialogue on the role of CCUS in a clean energy future, the CCUS initiative will also provide helpful resources, case studies, planning tools, best-practice documents, and possibly in-depth technical studies.

The Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) initiative works with governments, the private sector and the investment community to reduce carbon emissions from power generation and industrial processes.

The initiative aims to increase momentum regarding the importance of CCUS as a viable CO2 mitigation option; facilitate diffusion of knowledge on technologies, regulations, and policies; and develop strategic partnerships to accelerate both near- and longer-term investment in CCUS to advance global deployment by making these technologies and approaches more competitive.

The initiative fosters dialogue among stakeholders on the role that CCUS technologies can play in reducing carbon emissions, providing energy security, furthering investments in existing infrastructure, and strengthening the framework for collaborative partnerships between the public and private sectors.

Learn more about the CCUS initiative.

Expert Assistance

Stakeholders with a CCUS-related question can obtain technical assistance from knowledgeable experts through the Solutions Center's Ask an Expert service.

Published CCUS Resources

See Carbon Capture resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

See our list of frequently asked questions and other resources on various aspects of carbon capture, utilization, and storage..

Training Webinars

We offer no-cost training webinars on CCUS policy, technology and finance topics for interested parties around the world.
View all of our past webinars on the CCUS YouTube playlist.