Solutions Center Side Event: The Next Generation of Renewable Electricity Policy: How Rapid Change Is Breaking Down Conventional Policy Categories

10 December 2014
The Conference

World Future Energy Summit 2015 (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
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The Solutions Center Event

The Next Generation of Renewable Electricity Policy: How Rapid Change Is Breaking Down Conventional Policy Categories (Tuesday, 20 January, from 16:00 to 19:00 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Capital Suite 14)

Centered on the Clean Energy Solutions Center’s work on emerging policy analysis, this event will inform participants on rapid changes occurring in the realm of renewable electricity policies.

Traditionally, renewable electricity procurement has focused largely on four policy options: 1) competitive tendering, sometimes called renewable energy auctions, 2) feed-in tariffs, 3) net metering and net billing and 4) tradable renewable energy certificates. Despite the considerable changes that have taken place within the renewable energy industry in recent years, including the introduction of numerous policy innovations, policymakers have by and large continued to use the traditional policy labels, occasionally generating confusion as the new policies no longer look, or act, like their traditional predecessors. As a result, this breakdown in policy labels is part of a broader shift, one driven by a number of recent trends including decreasing renewable electricity costs and the growing share of renewable electricity in many countries’ electricity mix.

As a result of these ongoing changes, policymakers are entering into uncharted territory, giving rise to “the next generation” of renewable electricity policies in the process. This event takes a closer look at this next generation of policies for insights into what they could mean for the future of renewable electricity development, both in developed and developing countries.