Ask an Expert Success Story: Solutions Center, Organization of American States Catalyze Low-Carbon Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region

21 January 2016

mens installing solar panels on a houseThe Solutions Center and the Organization of American States (OAS) have teamed up to support Caribbean countries in design and implementation of robust sustainable energy action plans and broader clean energy policy frameworks. Successes of this collaboration are already evident in Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, and Trinidad & Tobago. A new Solutions Center publication describes the successes in these countries, including implementation and assessment of key renewable energy projects in Antigua & Barbuda; launch of an energy efficiency standards and labeling program in Belize; and facilitation of power purchase agreement development in Trinidad & Tobago. “The quality of work that has been provided to date is second to none and will enable Belize to meet its target of reducing its energy intensity for appliances and in buildings, and to serve as a replicable case study for the rest of the region,” said Ambrose Tillett, Energy Director, Belize Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utilities. For a full overview of assistance impacts, see Catalyzing Low-Carbon Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region: Clean Energy Successes in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize & Trinidad and Tobago.

See also: Catalyzing Low-Carbon Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region