New Energy Playbook Paves Way for Worldwide Prosperity and Emissions Reductions

11 May 2016

cover: Energy Productivity PlaybookThe Global Alliance for Energy Productivity today announced the release of the Energy Productivity Playbook. It details how public sector, private sector and nonprofit organizations can collaborate to double an economy’s energy productivity by emplacing a policy infrastructure that supports and drives investment in energy efficiency. The Playbook sets forth guidelines for developing strategic policy plans that can be implemented at the national or subnational level.

Rachel Kyte, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and CEO of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) and Chair of the Steering Committee for the Global Alliance for Energy Productivity said, “The Global Productivity Playbook is a new tool that aims to catalyze international action in order to achieve the SE4All goal of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Leadership from mayors, prime ministers and presidents—as well as corporate decision makers—is critical in order for the world to invest in the efficient technologies and practices that will yield the necessary energy productivity outcomes. We must follow the lead of the cities, companies and countries that are setting the standard for success. We need a race to the top, and SE4All will provide the needed momentum to promote that.” The Clean Energy Solutions Center is represented on the Steering Committee for the Global Alliance for Energy Productivity.

Source: Alliance to Save Energy