Past Market Briefings

Form 2012 through 2014, the Solutions Center partnered with Bloomberg New Energy Finance to provide briefings summarizing clean energy developments. Each briefing tracks current investment in clean energy, analysis of regulatory advances, and changes occurring around the globe. Briefings will feature relevant charts, tables, statistics, and current status of new global capital investment in clean energy.

Previous Issues
  • H2 2013: Investment slows, but equipment prices stabilize. Recovery ahead? (PDF)
  • Q1 2012: Policy pullbacks, weak economies, market oversupply slow Q1 investment (PDF)
  • Q2 2012: Small solar plays big role in sustaining Q2 investment (PDF)
  • Q3 2012: Weak Q3 puts clean energy on track to 2012 investment drop (PDF)
  • Q4 2012: 2012 Clean Energy Investment Sinks 11% to $269 billion (PDF)