Setting Renewable Energy Targets in Africa and the Pacific Islands

14 March 2014

The Clean Energy Solutions Center collaborated with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide training at the Japan-IRENA Training Program on "Setting Renewable Energy Targets" taking place in Tokyo 3-7 February 2014. For the audience of policymakers in the renewable energy sector from Africa and the Pacific Islands, Toby Couture, an expert with the Solutions Center Ask an Expert service, offered two workshops on the policy aspect of optimal renewable energy target design and implementation. He paid special attention to tariff-based support policies such as feed-in tariffs and auctions.

“The feedback from trainees was excellent indicating the high quality of lectures,” said Gauri Singh, Director, Country Support and Partnerships, IRENA. “In particular, Mr. Couture’s contribution was very well received and added significant value to the discussions, which was reiterated by the trainees.”

Toby D. Couture-making a presentation
Clean Energy Solutions Center expert Toby D. Couture, director of renewable energy for E3 Analytics, provides training on setting renewable energy targets at the February program in Tokyo.