Clean Energy Policy News

28 January 2016
A prominent developer of coal-fired power plants in India, RattanIndia Power, is seeking to switch to solar for an 800-acre site in Punjab it had earmarked for another thermal plant, saying the economics of photovoltaics are more attractive. The decision highlights increasing interest in India’s solar program after Prime Minister Narendra Modi set a target to install 100 gigawatts of capacity by 2020 at an estimated cost of US$100 billion. Learn more.
22 January 2016
Finance for Resilience is calling for ideas with a specific aim to help urban areas achieve their emissions reduction goals through financial interventions. The winning interventions will gain exposure, analytical support and access to a wide range of high-level experts to support implementation over the course of a year-long cycle. The deadline for submission is 3 February 2016. Learn more.
22 January 2016
The grant of USD 4.8 million, administered by the Asian Development Bank and provided to PNG Power, will connect an additional 2,500 rural households, businesses, schools and clinics to the electricity grid by June 2017. Learn more.
21 January 2016
The Solutions Center and the Organization of American States (OAS) have teamed up to support Caribbean countries in design and implementation of robust sustainable energy action plans and broader clean energy policy frameworks. Successes of this collaboration are already evident in Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, and Trinidad & Tobago. Learn more.
21 January 2016
The Government of Rwanda was awarded a US $840,000 grant from the African Development Bank-hosted Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to promote green mini-grids and pave the way for private investments in this sub-sector. The project is expected to support government efforts to provide electricity connection to at least 145,000 rural households and improve the off-grid access rate from 5% to 22% by 2018. Learn more.
20 January 2016
Scaling up renewable energy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries would reap multiple benefits, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency. The study finds that GCC countries could save 11 trillion liters of water withdrawal (a 16% decrease), save 400 million barrels of oil in the power sector (a 25% decrease), create more than 200,000 direct jobs and reduce the per capita carbon footprint by 8% in 2030, if GCC plans and targets are achieved. Learn more.
19 January 2016
President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull met in Washington, D.C. today. The White House highlighted the strong bilateral energy cooperation between the United States and Australia, noting the countries’ commitment to the Solutions Center Learn more.
17 January 2016
The International Renewable Energy Agency and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development today announced USD 46 million in concessional loans for four renewable energy projects in Antigua and Barbuda, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde and Senegal. Learn more.
16 January 2016
Achieving a 36 per cent share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030 would increase global gross domestic product by up to 1.1 per cent, roughly USD 1.3 trillion, according to new analysis by the International Renewable Energy Agency. Learn more.
12 January 2016
Malaysia has taken steps to advance clean energy deployment by mandating adoption of a renewable energy feed-in tariff mechanism under the country’s 2011 Renewable Energy Act. The Clean Energy Solutions Center’s Ask an Expect service facilitated the partnership that led to the development. Learn more.