Clean Energy Policy News

12 March 2015
The Ministry for Energy of Ireland has decided to raise by 25% (to 50%) the level of grants available to householders who want to undertake energy efficiency improvements. In addition, householders will receive bonus payments if they complete three or more energy efficiency improvements. Learn more.
11 March 2015
The Indian government is considering halving subsidies for solar rooftop projects, from 30% to 15%, to follow the decline in the price of solar panels and due to limited availability of funds. Learn more.
10 March 2015
The Clean Energy Ministerial’s International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) has released a new discussion paper that explores the increasingly close interaction between transmission system operators—transporting energy at a national or regional level—and distribution system operators—delivering energy to final users. Learn more.
9 March 2015
The United Arab Emirates recently hosted an international event of the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) initiative. The Women in Clean Energy Symposium took place during the 2015 World Future Energy Summit, an annual event dedicated to advancing clean energy. Learn more.
5 March 2015
India has set its renewable energy capacity target by 2022 to 175 GW, including 100 GW of solar PV, 60 GW of wind power, 10 GW of biomass-fired power and 5 GW of hydropower. Learn more.
4 March 2015
A recent report from our partners at The Institute for Industrial Productivity—The Role of Industry in Forging Green Cities—addresses clean urbanization, an approach that will become even more important as cities grow well beyond their current capacity. Learn more.
4 March 2015
Solar lighting company Nokero has joined forces with Project C.U.R.E., Music for Relief, and the Sustainable Energy for All initiative to deliver 100,000 solar light bulbs to people living in parts of West Africa hit by the Ebola virus. Learn more.
2 March 2015
The Algerian government has adopted a national development plan for renewable energies, aiming at diversifying the national energy mix and to save fossil resources. The new plan updates the 2011-2030 plan adopted in February 2011 and introduces new elements taking into account renewable technology evolution. Learn more.
2 March 2015
The projected growth of cities coupled with higher energy demand spells trouble for urban poor and the environment if industry does not improve its energy efficiency, says a new report by the Institute for Industrial Productivity. The report, The Role of Industry in Forging Green Cities, shows that sustainable cities that have cleaner local industries will be better poised to meet the environmental and social challenges associated with burgeoning populations. Learn more.
27 February 2015
At the request of the Secretaría de Energía de México (SENER), the Clean Energy Solutions Center conducted a workshop for Mexican government officials on the development of a policy database for the country. Learn more.