Renewable Energies for Developing Countries: Environmental Necessity - Economic Opportunity (e-Learning course)

13 August 2013

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Sustainable energy—energy that is accessible, cleaner and more efficient—powers opportunity. It grows economies. It lights up homes, schools and hospitals. It empowers women and local communities. And it paves a path out of poverty to greater prosperity for all. - UN Sustainable Energy for All

Course Dates: 8 September – 27 October 2014

Presented by CIFAL Scotland, UNITAR and the University of Strathclyde in partnership with the Scottish Government, this on-line programme will give a comprehensive overview of renewable energy as a means to enable sustainable development and explore how renewable energies represent at the same time an environmental necessity but also an economic opportunity for developing countries.

The course aims to enhance the capacity of local decision makers, energy/sustainable development officers and other personnel to make an informed decision on which renewable energy technologies will meet their own needs or the needs of their countries, communities, villages or neighbourhoods. It aims to provide an overview of clean, secure and sustainable technology options for development and offer insights into the management of renewable energy projects, from small scale, through to major project.

The course is aimed at those in the business, non-profit, public and academic sectors who wish to install renewable energy systems in urban and rural settings or simply make their contribution to reducing carbon emissions through energy efficiency and use of sustainable energy sources.


Learning activities are based on UNITAR’s sound adult learning pedagogical principles. They include, among others, readings, a case study to apply knowledge practically, quizzes and online group discussions. They are distributed in such a way to ensure the achievement of the learning objectives in a flexible manner: learning materials can indeed be consulted in a non-linear way so as to provide participants with a high degree of flexibility in choosing the learning pace that is the most adequate to them. Recognised experts from the University of Strathclyde will moderate the course.

Course Outline

Module 1: The Role of Energy in Society
Module 2: Selecting a Sustainable Energy Solution
Module 3: Elements of a Sustainable Energy Solution
Module 4: Solar Energy and its Applications
Module 5: Wind Energy
Module 6: Marine and Hydropower
Module 7: Role of Public and Private Sectors in Ensuring the Development of Low Carbon Energy Solutions
