Advisory Board Annual Meeting Results in Recommendations

15 April 2015

The Clean Energy Solutions Center convened its second annual Advisory Board meeting on 24 March 2015 in Washington, D.C., prior to the preparatory meetings for the sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). More than 20 officials from a broad range of organizations participated in the conversation, which covered CEM feedback on the Solutions Center, outcomes and progress from energy efficiency and renewable energy policy dialogues, and Solutions Center accomplishments over the last year.

Advisory Board members also discussed and provided recommendations on four strategic issues.

  1. Increasing the impact and use of the Ask an Expert service by growing the use of in-country experts, primarily to build demand for and deliver support to sub-national governments.
  2. Improving the value of unique policy resources by providing simplified information for policy makers on finance options and facilitating access to and connection with existing clean energy finance initiatives and assistance sources.
  3. Deepening partnerships by expanding cooperation with the Climate Technology Centre and Network and bilateral and multilateral development assistance agencies and international institutions.
  4. Enhancing the structure and funding base by clarifying the longer-term plans and vision for the Solutions Center and its unique role in advancing policy development.