Clean Energy Grid Integration Network Launches

2 June 2015

The Clean Energy Solutions Center is pleased to announce the launch of the Clean Energy Grid Integration Network (CEGIN) for policymakers.

Many developing countries are endorsing high targets for renewable energy, but accommodating significant quantities of variable renewable energy, such as wind and solar, will require changes to how power systems are planned and operated. CEGIN will help governments around the world strengthen policies and programs to enable high levels of renewable energy generation for electricity systems along with related demand response, smart grid and storage solutions. This network is a partnership of the Clean Energy Solutions Center, 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) and Asia LEDS Partnership, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

In striving to support developing countries and emerging economies, CEGIN will provide the following resources and services:

  • Technical resources on policy good practices for enabling grid integration
  • Expert technical assistance
  • Training and knowledge exchange
  • Regional and global networks, including an Asian network that will be launched later in June.

CEGIN will also be co-leading a one-day grid integration training event on 16 June as part of the upcoming Asia Clean Energy Forum 2015 in Manila, Philippines. The session will focus on renewable energy grid integration issues, enabling policies, and finance measure. The training will build awareness of solutions and best practices for renewable energy grid integration and present enabling resources. For more information on the workshop, please access the agenda, or visit the online registration page to sign up for the workshop.

We encourage you to become a CEGIN member by signing up. By joining, you will receive information on resources and services and be invited to participate in events on clean energy grid integration policies.