Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) to Launch Global Wind Market Report

29 March 2016

The Global Wind Energy Council’s flagship Global Wind Report provides a comprehensive snapshot of the global wind industry, which is now present in more than 80 countries, 24 of which have more than 1,000 megawatts (MW) installed and 14 of which have more than 5,000 MW installed. This year's report edition includes insights into the 20 top wind markets across the world, a five-year market forecast out to 2020 and a chapter on the global offshore wind market.

Join their one-hour live webcast, which has been organized in collaboration with Renewable Energy World and delivered by GWEC Secretary General, Steve Sawyer, who will lead participants through key highlights from this year’s report.

"Wind power is leading the charge in the transition away from fossil fuels", said Sawyer. "Wind is blowing away the competition on price, performance and reliability, and we're seeing new markets open up across Africa, Asia and Latin America which will become the market leaders of the next decade. Wind power led new capacity additions in both Europe and the United States, and new turbine configurations have dramatically increased the areas where wind power is the competitive option."

Join the webcast, which will answer these questions:

  • What are the prospects for the global wind industry up to 2020?
  • What are the key markets driving global growth?
  • Where are the new wind 'hot spots' likely to be located?
  • What's the current status of the offshore wind market globally?
  • What role will wind energy play in the fight against climate change?