International Experts Rank Renewable Energy Policy Priorities

9 September 2014

powerline against sunsetHigh renewable energy grid penetration tops the list of market trends that are shaping renewable energy policies globally. This is according to a select group of leading renewable energy policy experts who gathered on 9 September for a web-based discussion on renewable energy hosted by the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

The experts also agreed that while all scales of renewable energy projects are important to future deployment, distributed generation is particularly key. In addition, the group ranked financing as both the most promising way to expand the use of renewable energy and the area needing the most attention from policymakers worldwide.

In addition to the current status of renewable energy technologies and policies around the world, the group agreed that the Solutions Center could have a powerful role in convening thought and policy leaders on particular issues such as security and grid integration. The experts offered several ideas for additional Solutions Center offerings, including developing case studies on policy and program innovations, establishing collaborative networks and discussion forums among leaders from the public and private sectors, and enhancing knowledge of financing mechanisms and sources.

“We want to thank everyone who participated in this important discussion,” said Dr. Ian Lloyd, U.S. Department of Energy. “They provided vital input on the renewable energy issues facing policymakers around the world, and we will be incorporating their suggestions into our coming year’s action plan.”

This renewable energy discussion is the first thematic dialogue hosted by the Clean Energy Solutions Center, which plans to convene a similar energy efficiency policy dialogue before the end of 2014. These and future dialogues will help identify specific additional products and services the Solutions Center can undertake.