Newsletter Issue 3

31 August 2011

Energy Policy Resources From and For the World

When the Clean Energy Solutions Center launched in April, our goal was to become the preferred resource for global energy policy makers. We are moving quickly toward that goal with expanded reach and new content that provides clean energy insights from around the world.

Recent additions to the Clean Energy Solutions Center reflect our global reach:

Chart showing investments in clean energy by G-20 countries and non G-20 countries, 2004-2010.

Worldwide investments in clean energy, excluding investments in basic research and development, were 630% higher in 2010 than they were seven years prior. Learn more.

Source: 2010 edition of Pew Charitable Trusts' "Who's Winning the Clean Energy Race?"

  • From Australia – Clean Energy Policy with a Carbon Price
    The Australian Government has developed a comprehensive plan to move to a clean energy future. Central to that plan is the introduction of a carbon price that around 500 of the biggest polluters in Australia will be required to pay. The policy package also includes an expansion in support for clean and renewable energy, energy efficiency, and land use initiatives.
  • From REN21 – The Renewables Global Status Report
    REN21's analysis has become one of the most frequently referenced reports on renewable energy business and policy. See why.
  • From the Dialogue on Support for Low Emissions Development Policy Video of Expert Panel
    Watch a short video highlighting key policy considerations from high-level international climate change and clean energy experts. This dialogue was co-sponsored by the World Bank, the Clean Energy Ministerial, France, Mexico, South Africa, UN Energy, and the ClimateWorks Foundation.
  • From ClimateWorks – "Sustainable Urban Planning: a Blueprint for Model Chinese Cities"
    This report synthesizes global best practices in urban planning into eight quantifiable principles and uses them to create a sustainable blueprint for China's growing cities.
  • From the United Nations – Informing the Financing of Universal Energy Access: An Assessment of Current Flows
    Get a high-level overview of energy investments and financial flows in the developing world and insight into the long-term effects that those investments will have on the energy poor.

To the Clean Energy Solutions Center visitors from 116 different countries and from every settled continent, we say "thank you." We will continue to create content and offer tailored resources to help you achieve your clean energy goals.

Get Involved

Fitting your Needs: Solutions Center Tailors Resources for Countries

The Clean Energy Solutions Center is more than a website. One of our unique services is delivering guidance and global best practices tailored to a country's specific circumstances and priorities. We're already working with:

  • India's Bureau of Energy Efficiency on a webinar for Indian officials on policy best practices for industrial efficiency
  • Mexico's CONUEE to promote standards and labeling programs such as Energy Star in Mexico.

Take Action… We provide our tailored solutions by request. Contact the Clean Energy Solutions Center to request assistance on your energy policy priorities.

Learn about the Energy Efficiency Policies behind Successful Projects in U.S. and Asia

If you missed our instructive webinar on energy performance contracting and on-bill utility financing, check out the recording online. Here's what you missed:

  • Katrina Managan, Program Manager with the Institute for Building Efficiency at Johnson Controls, discussed energy performance upgrades in the U.S. and Thailand, and the financing and incentives that made the projects possible.
  • Cath Bremner, Chief Operating Officer of Low Carbon Australia, presented an overview of energy efficiency projects being undertaken in Australia, including a new on-bill financing program and the metrics used to evaluate its success.
  • Adam Zimmerman, from Enterprise Cascadia, compared the Australian experience with an on-bill financing program that is being deployed in Oregon state, in the U.S.; he focused on public and private financing mechanisms and the differences between programs for residential and commercial customers.

Take Action…

Become a Clean Energy Solutions Center Member

We're expanding our global network of clean energy experts to provide more answers to your specific clean energy policy questions. But these custom resources are only available to registered Solutions Center members. Signing up is fast and free.

Take Action…Register on the website to pose your policy questions to our panel of experts.