Thomas Pullenkav

Thomas Pullenkav

Technical Advisor, SELCO Foundation

Thomas Pullenkav is the Technical Advisor to the SELCO Foundation, where he advises the foundation on innovative approaches to clean energy access. In addition to his work at the SELCO Foundation, Pullenkav consults with community service organizations, NGOs, bilaterals and multilaterals, providing advisory, analytical and design support for their activities in the clean energy access and low carbon development sectors. Prior to this, he was the Vice President of SELCO India, one of the world’s most renowned sustainable energy social enterprises. Pullenkav has worked extensively in the Indian sustainable energy industry and possesses a deep understanding of the unique challenges that inclusive businesses in India face. He has been part of the group that pioneered access to energy for the energy-poor through a combination of customized technology, innovative financing and an understanding of the market needs of different user groups. Thomas is an alumnus of the Institute of Rural Management, Anand.