Philip Kreycik

Philip Kreycik

Associate, Cadmus

Philip Kreycik provides technical assistance to cities, towns and regional governments on solar soft costs, sustainable transportation and alternative fuel vehicle strategies. He coordinates contributions to the DOE-funded SolSmart solar energy program, as well as efforts on the DOE’s AATA project, which is conducting bulk procurements of alternative fuel vehicles throughout the United States.

Mr. Kreycik spent seven years leading emissions-reducing projects for Harvard. At the Harvard Office for Sustainability, he facilitated working groups for the campus-wide greenhouse-gas (GHG) reduction plan, engaging stakeholders to prioritize strategies to reduce campus-wide emissions 30 per cent by 2016. He evaluated energy supply projects and infrastructure investments as an Energy Analyst for Harvard’s own utility, also managing Harvard’s renewable portfolio standard compliance and demand response programs.

Mr. Kreycik has graduate degrees in Urban Planning and in Transportation from MIT where his research focused on reducing GHG emissions from transportation.