Second International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition

28 February 2014
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The International Renewable Energy Agency, the Asian Development Bank and the Alliance for Rural Electrification will co-organise the 2nd International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition in Manila, Philippines, 16-17 June 2014.

Following the success of the first event in Accra, Ghana, in 2012, the event will expand its role as a global platform that promotes dialogue between stakeholders, in particular the public and private sector, in promoting off-grid renewable energy deployment to extend electricity access in rural and peri-urban areas.

The conference will convene a large number of key stakeholders from across the off-grid renewable energy value chain, including representatives from rural electrification agencies, ministries in charge of renewable energy development, the private sector, academia, financing institutions and international organisations.

The conference will be a crucial opportunity to:

  • Gain insights into the current status of electricity access in the region and gather perspectives from different stakeholders working towards improving access to modern energy services.
  • Discuss the key barriers faced by various stakeholders to scale up off-grid renewable energy deployment in the region.
  • Identify solutions to overcome existing barriers leveraging on the cross regional experience of participants at the conference.
  • Share best practices and lessons learned about design and implementation of enabling policies, innovative financing solutions and tailor-made renewable energy systems.

In parallel with the conference, the Alliance for Rural Electrification will organise an exhibition, to give the private sector the opportunity to further present its products and projects, and offer stakeholders ample networking opportunities.

The conference will mark the beginning of the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2014, a key regional gathering of key players in the clean energy sector, which will be held until 20 June 2014.

Details about the programme—and how to register for the conference and exhibit—will be made available soon. For queries contact regarding the conference contact, and for queries contact regarding the exhibition, contact
