Powering Africa through Feed-in Tarriffs: Advancing Renewable Energy to Meet the Continent's Electricity Needs


Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS)
World Future Council (WFC)
Friends of the Earth England, Wales & Northern Ireland (FoE-EWNI)
Joseph Nganga
Marc Wohlert
Matt Woods
Christina Becker-Birck
Summer Jackson
Wilson Rickerson

This report identifies the value of renewable energy feed-in-tariffs (REFiTs) in six African countries where this policy tool has been implemented. Given the success of REFiT policies in several countries around the world, the report draws broad lessons from case study analysis of the challenges encountered by these African countries in terms of low electrification rates, social, political and economic challenges, and issues in procuring finance. The report recommends steps countries can take to develop successful and context-specific REFiT programs.