Clean Energy Policy News

14 December 2015
The Rockefeller Foundation has teamed with the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) to take stock of the Smart Power for Rural Development Initiative, which seeks to electrify 1,000 villages in India over the next several years. Learn more.
10 December 2015
In light of the launch of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction during Buildings Day at COP21, even more focus was put on energy efficiency in buildings and the positive effects it could have. Learn more.
9 December 2015
The unprecedented mobilisation of over 100 banks from 42 countries and investors managing close to USD 4 trillion supporting two specific statements to increase energy efficiency finance was presented December 7 at COP21 in Paris. It highlights the fast growing awareness of the relevance of energy efficiency to remain under a 2°C scenario, while also serving sustainable development goals. The topic is relevant for all countries, and benefits from the first G20 dedicated work led by the G20 Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group which proposed investment principles for countries to provide more investment-enabling conditions that were welcomed by the G20 energy ministers. Committed to promote the topic over the last three years, the UNEP Finance Initiative has joined forces with other initiatives to enable the broadest mobilization of financial institutions and bring their positive contribution to the COP. Learn more.
8 December 2015
During the Earth To Paris event at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Richenda Van Leeuwen, Executive Director for Energy Access for the United Nations Foundation, announced the launch of a new “billion dollar clean energy access investment opportunity” with the release of the United Nations Foundation’s Energy Access Practitioner Network’s 2015 Energy Access Investment Directory and investment portal. Learn more.
7 December 2015
A new International Institute for Sustainable Development blog post discusses how the Solutions Center can help countries implement climate action post-Paris. Learn more.
7 December 2015
Despite comprising over 300 million inhabitants and representing 4.9% of the world’s GDP 17 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe countries in South and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia represented only 0.5% or USD 0.9 billion of global renewable energy investment in 2014. Attracting investment represents a major challenge in these countries, despite numerous support schemes and policies for renewable energy. Learn more.
7 December 2015
Hundreds of governments, businesses and cities are making commitments to accelerate the ongoing energy transition at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris today. The entities are joining forces under a set of major cooperative initiatives being presented today during the Lima-Paris Action Agenda Focus on Energy. Learn more.
7 December 2015
Today at the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) announced the launch of the Efficiency for Access (E4A) Coalition, a new collaborative effort between the CEM’s Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership and Sustainable Energy for All to accelerate universal access to energy. The new coalition will bring together and amplify the efforts of global development partners to harness the power of energy efficiency to achieve universal access to enhanced energy services—beyond lighting—by 2030. Learn more.
6 December 2015
For the first time at any UN climate conference (COP21), renewable energy solutions and visions for a renewables-powered future are being showcased to world leaders at the international RE-Energising the Future conference. Learn more.
6 December 2015
Today, as the climate negotiations continue during COP21 in Paris, the Clean Energy Ministerial announces the new Clean Energy Finance Solutions Center, which offers policymakers, practitioners and finance stakeholders a centralized source of information and expert advice on a broad range of clean energy finance instruments. Learn more.