Clean Energy Policy News

25 November 2015
Kazakhstan plans to commission 106 renewable power plants with a combined capacity of 3,055 megawatts (MW) by the end of 2020, when renewable power generation should reach 3% of total power generation. Learn more.
24 November 2015
The Turkish government has announced it would implement a series of new subsidies to renewable power plants, with renewable energy equipment supported through VAT exemptions, other tax exemptions and non-rate subsidies. The government will consider renewable energy turbine and generator manufacturing, as well as wind energy production a "priority investment area". Learn more.
24 November 2015
The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative’s Energy Efficiency Hub, hosted a global workshop to showcase actions for energy efficiency improvement in cities and countries as well as the private sector. The workshop had 70 participants, including governments officials from 17 countries, development banks, corporations and international and regional research organizations. Learn more.
24 November 2015
The Energy Ministry of Morocco plans to add 6,760 megawatts (MW) of renewable power capacity between 2015 and 2025, including 3,120 MW of solar, 2,740 MW of wind power and 900 MW of hydropower. Learn more.
23 November 2015
A report released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency—REthinking Energy 2015: Renewable Energy and Climate—finds that achieving a 36% of renewable energy by 2030 would result in half of all emission reductions needed to maintain a two degree pathway, and energy efficiency measures could supply the rest. Learn more.
23 November 2015
A new by the International Energy Agency and the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation describes the state of energy performance in buildings and highlights how an energy efficient, low-carbon pathway can save the equivalent of the current combined building energy use of China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Learn more.
20 November 2015
The International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), in partnership with the Global Building Performance Network (GBPN) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), recently completed a new report on key areas for international collaboration on building energy code implementation. The three organizations also launched a new web portal to facilitate more efficient international exchange of practices and experiences in the implementation of building energy codes. Learn more.
20 November 2015
In an upcoming webinar, IEA Director of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology Kamel Ben Naceur will present the IEA’s four key messages for the upcoming UN climate negotiations. Building on extensive IEA analysis leading up to the Paris talks, he will show how COP21 can shift the energy sector to a low-carbon path while supporting economic growth and providing energy to more people. Learn more.
20 November 2015
The results of the recently published paper—Sustained Energy Savings Achieved through Successful Industrial Customer Interaction with Ratepayer Programs—will be discussed as part of coming webinar Learn more.
19 November 2015
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency launching Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States during the ECOWAS side-event at COP21 in Paris on 2 December. Learn more.