Solutions Center Resource Library Now Offers Access to IEA Databases

28 December 2014

The Clean Energy Solutions Center has partnered with the International Energy Agency to provide the IEA Policies and Measures (PAMS) Databases to Solutions Center users.

These databases present comprehensive and dynamic clean energy policy information on energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change mitigation. The databases provide a valuable resource to policymakers, energy experts, private sector stakeholders and members of the general public who seek information on clean energy policy and examples of best practices.

Database information has been collected from more than 100 IEA member and non-member countries from various public sources such as government websites, periodicals and journals, and through a bi-annual review process of IEA member country delegations.

Each individual PAMS record contains a range of summary information including funding, evaluation and enforcement provisions, policy type and policy target, and links to legal and online authorities and related policies. In addition, a new Policy Timeline Tool enables users to plot PAMS records by country along a timeline and compare them against national energy trends based on IEA energy statistics.