Clean Energy Policy News

4 August 2016
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation announced that it has earmarked $50 million to fund renewable energy projects in the Philippines. BDO Unibank will facilitate the lending to companies engaged in renewable energy projects. Learn more.
2 August 2016
The Republic of Niger was awarded a US $994,270 grant from the African Development Bank-hosted Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to promote green mini-grids (GMGs) and pave the way for private investments in this sub-sector. The project aims to support Government efforts to provide (1) at least 15% rural access to energy through off-grid and mini-grid solutions by 2020, resulting in increased effective day length and income, and a reduction in recurring energy expenditures, and (2) 15 MW installed GMG capacity by 2020, resulting in mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more.
2 August 2016
The French Development Agency (AFD) strengthens its support to the development of the Kenyan electricity sector by the signing of a new 33 million Euro financing. This 33 million Euro financing will support the installation of renewable energy generation in 23 mini-grids currently powered by diesel generators. This operation will be implemented by Kenya Power—a company owned 50.1% by the Government of Kenya in charge of electricity distribution in the country. It is expected that about 9.6 MW of solar photovoltaic and 0.6 MW wind capacities will be installed. Learn more.
1 August 2016
The European Investment Bank has signed a subscription agreement with Sustainable Sàrl, a subsidiary of SUSI Partners AG (SUSI), putting into effect the bank’s investment commitment of up to 62 million euro (69 million USD) in the SUSI Renewable Energy Fund II. The signing underlines Europe’s strategy to invest in environmental sustainability and a sustainable, competitive and secure energy supply. The portfolio of SUSI’s second renewable energy fund currently comprises 13 wind and solar farms in Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom, delivering approximately 170 megawatts of clean energy. Learn more.
28 July 2016
The Dominican Republic can increase the share of modern renewable energy in its energy mix from 9 per cent to 27 per cent by 2030, according to a new report launched today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable Energy Prospects: Dominican Republic finds the country could increase the share of renewables in the power sector alone from 12 per cent to 44 per cent by 2030. Learn more.
28 July 2016
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has provided US $10 million to Ireland’s Mainstream Renewable Power to help expand its renewable energy projects in Africa. The Rockefeller Brothers’ capital will go towards financing Lekela Power, a joint venture between Actis, a UK-based private equity firm, and Mainstream. Lekela is planning to construct renewable energy projects in South Africa, Egypt, Senegal and Ghana. Learn more.
28 July 2016
The Government of Sweden and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) announced the opening of the €20 million Power Africa: Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia, which aims to bring modern clean energy access to one million Zambians and jump-start the country’s burgeoning markets for energy services. The fund will directly support private enterprises in the off-grid energy space through an innovative new results-based financing approach. Learn more.
22 July 2016
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has marked its third year of operation with a record $837 million committed to new investments in the Australian clean energy sector, contributing to projects with a total value of $2.5 billion. Learn more.
19 July 2016
The Solutions Center and Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) have joined forces to provide governments with rapid, on-demand expert assistance by implementing integrated country actions that strategically transform their energy systems. Through the Solutions Center’s Ask an Expert service, governments work directly with experts to address country-specific needs as they develop country SE4All action agendas and investment prospectuses. Learn more.
6 July 2016
The government of Sweden and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) announced the opening of the first financing round of the Power Africa: Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia. The EUR 20 million fund aims to bring modern clean energy access to one million Zambians and jump-start the country’s burgeoning markets for energy services. Learn more.