Clean Energy Policy News

28 September 2015
The House of Representatives Argentina has adopted a new renewable energy act that proposes to cover 8% of the power mix with renewable energies (including biodiesel and municipal solid waste) in 2017 and to raise this share to 20% in 2025. Learn more.
28 September 2015
China’s ambitions for a greener economy require broad use of its finance sector to drive the necessary investment, according to leading financial and environmental experts report released today. Learn more.
25 September 2015
The three tenders are for the development of a total of 500 megawatts of wind and solar capacity in the West Nile Area. Learn more.
23 September 2015
On September 17, 2015 the first positive energy, mixed use building group in France was inaugurated in Lyon. The project, called Hikari (“light” in Japanese), is the result of cooperation between the city of Lyon, the Japanese government agency Nedo, Toshiba and Bouygues Immobilier. Learn more.
23 September 2015
The Indian government aims to reduce transmission and distribution (T&D) losses in the power sector from the current 22% to 15% in 2019. Learn more.
17 September 2015
The UN-backed Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, UN’s Climate Technology Centre and Network, the Overseas Development Institute, Climate and Development Knowledge Network and dozens more are backing the launch of the “Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto”, which sets out the key principles for effective exchange and communication of climate information, enabling the global response to a changing climate. Learn more.
17 September 2015
A new Solutions Center report reveals policy options for developing countries to engage the private sector in creating market solutions to energy access. The report includes in-depth case studies of public-private programs for financing energy access, focusing on the policy decisions that strengthen each program and their impact on energy access for underserved populations. Learn more.
15 September 2015
Two North American industrial plants that recently deployed energy management systems are highlighted in new case studies from the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Energy Management Working Group. Learn more.
15 September 2015
The EV City Casebook: 50 Big Ideas is one of the Low Carbon Champions for 2014–2015, as announced by the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership. The Champions Awards celebrate achievement and innovation in low-carbon road transport. Learn more.
15 September 2015
Achieving India’s solar and wind energy targets by 2022 will require approximately USD 100 billion of investment in infrastructure, including USD 70 billion of debt. While India’s renewable energy targets are important and admirable, financing them is going to be no easy task. Learn more.