Clean Energy Policy News

3 July 2015
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India has released a tentative breakdown of solar capacity targets by states to reach its overall 40-gigawatt rooftop solar target by 2022. Learn more.
30 June 2015
Côte d’Ivoire’s President Alassane Ouattara today headed a top-level line-up of political and business leaders to launch the African Energy Leaders Group in West Africa, with plans to drive sector reforms and a pipeline of bankable investment projects for sustainable energy access across the region. Learn more.
26 June 2015
The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment initiative, an international collaboration of 17 member economies and an initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial, recently announced the winners of its Global Efficiency Medal competition for super-efficient household LED light bulbs. Manufacturers of winning products were honoured at an awards ceremony at the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris. Learn more.
26 June 2015
Energy ministers from the world’s Portuguese-speaking countries have endorsed the UN’s Decade of Sustainable Energy for All with an official launch and a statement of intent to “make sustainable energy for all a reality”. Learn more.
25 June 2015
France recently hosted the third session of the Global Sustainable Cities Network, a Clean Energy Ministerial initiative that provides a platform for sustainable city initiatives throughout the world. The four-day programme included a combination of site visits, moderated workshop discussions and formal conferences that took place in Nantes, Paris and Montpelier. Learn more.
24 June 2015
According to the Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia, about 15 megawatts (MW) of renewable capacity have been installed in Malaysia in 2015 under a feed-in system, raising the total renewable capacity in the country to 299 MW. Learn more.
24 June 2015
UNICEF has launched a new report highlighting the ways in which sustainable energy is vital for children, providing major opportunities to improve their health, education, well-being, and development. The report, Why Sustainable Energy Matters to Children: The Critical Importance of Sustainable Energy for Children and Future Generations, provides an overview of the sustainable energy needs, issues, opportunities and barriers that children are facing around the world. Learn more.
19 June 2015
Developed in partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Renewable Energy Auctions: A Guide to Design advises policymakers on the implications of different approaches to renewable energy auctions. Structured around key auction design elements, the report offers choices and recommendations to support optimal decision-making in different contexts. Learn more.
19 June 2015
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Transportation today proposed new regulations to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by new medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses. The regulations would phase in between 2018 and 2027, and build on initial standards adopted in 2011. Learn more.
18 June 2015
Asian countries are making a vital contribution to achieving global sustainable energy goals, a new World Bank report finds. But while the region performs strongly on ensuring electricity access for people and using more modern renewable energy, there is room for further improvement on energy efficiency and access to clean, smoke-free cooking. Learn more.