Energy Information in the Caribbean: What’s expected, what’s needed, what’s available? (Webinar)

19 July 2018

As a first step in supporting the development of the Caribbean Energy Knowledge Hub, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and Monkey Mosaic have worked on understanding stakeholder needs and gathering information on what is currently available. In this webinar, they revealed their initial findings and provide recommendations. They also interacted with webinar participants to learn from their experiences and gather opinions.

The webinar was organized for professionals in the energy field working in Caribbean countries to learn about the project and share their opinions and experiences. This includes practitioners, government representatives, energy providers and utilities, regulators, researchers as well as clean energy project developers in the private sector.


CARICOM Energy is currently developing a framework for integrated energy statistics, information and knowledge management. The framework will include the Caribbean Energy Knowledge Hub, which is designed to ensure actors in the sustainable energy transition have access to the information and knowledge they require. REEEP and Monkey Mosaic are working with the CARICOM Secretariat to plan the Hub and increase awareness and understanding of the current information ecosystem in the region. To begin, an initial assessment was conducted to identify what information is already available and where it is located, as well as to understand what other information is needed and of value to the Hub’s stakeholders.


Sigmund KlucknerMr. Sigmund Kluckner, Senior Project Manager, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)

Sigmund Kluckner is a senior project manager in the field of knowledge, information and data systems and processes at the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). He is responsible for advancing information systems within the organization, and to drive the effective use of data, information and knowledge within the clean energy environment. With REEEP, Sigmund also supports and consults other organizations on Open Data and Knowledge management. Prior to this role, Sigmund was the Project Lead for the Climate Knowledge Brokers coordination hub, where he ran the day-to-day operations of the network and facilitated the creation of connections between likeminded organisations worldwide. He has international experience in industry and research organizations, where he has worked on a variety of information management and software development projects—reaching from leveraging data to reduce waste in manufacturing to using information systems as support for crisis management decision-making.

James SmithMr. James Smith, Social and Environmental Leadership Consultant, Monkey Mosaic Ltd

James Smith is a social and environmental leadership consultant focusing on learning, strategy and innovation, working freelance via the company Monkey Mosaic Ltd. He is currently supporting CARICOM Energy in the development of a knowledge management framework and Hub to support growth of sustainable energy in the Caribbean. Originally from the UK, he has worked internationally since 2004 in the fields of climate change, renewable energy and development with organizations such as the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group, for whom he organized and led a collaborative process to draft The Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto; REEEP, advising on strategy and facilitating learning events; and the Overseas Development Institute, as coordinating lead author for the BRACED Resilience Exchange. His career in the UK prior to 2004 was in the—at the time—nascent field of social entrepreneurship, where he cofounded two of its key institutions, the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and Unltd: the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs.