Energy Access Webinars

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

A webinar on breaking down silos and what linking renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency really looks like, including a discussion of the progress made to date. Learn more.
A webinar focused on the latest trends and innovations in appliance efficiency and their role in increasing access to clean, reliable and low-cost energy. Learn more.
An overview of the on- and off-grid solar markets in Africa, focusing on installed capacities, forecast, challenges and opportunities—and a discussion of population and electrification issues as well as a presentation of a country benchmark. Learn more.
Ce webinaire est consacré a la formation sur les défis et succès en lien avec l’accès à l’énergie dans la CEDEAO. Ce webinaire explore le contexte et les enjeux, les politiques et les initiatives régionales adoptées, les actions politiques menées pour faire face à ces défis ainsi que la promotion de modèle d’entreprise inclusive pour l’accès à l’énergie. Learn more.
A webinar highlighting the best practices for the nexus of energy access and humanitarian relief, and focusing on the timely and appropriate distribution of decentralized energy solutions for lighting and power. Learn more.
A showcase of the Building Energy Access Markets framework, a publication that offers policymakers and practitioners a method for designing and delivering interventions that can achieve scale and sustainability. Learn more.
A showcase of the Building Energy Access Markets framework, a publication that offers policymakers and practitioners a method for designing and delivering interventions that can achieve scale and sustainability. Learn more.
A showcase of innovative supply chain mechanisms that members of the Energy Access Practitioner Network have adopted to facilitate scaling decentralized energy solutions. Learn more.
An exploration of the role of off-grid appliances and equipment in empowering resource-constrained communities. Learn more.
An exploration of the role of distributed energy solutions in enabling and promoting enterprise development in sub-Saharan Africa via a recently launched publication compiled by the Africa EU Energy Partnership. Learn more.