Energy Access Webinars

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

An introduction to the Electrification Pathways application, a new tool that considers a variety of publicly available data to determine the least-cost options for bringing electricity to areas as small as one square kilometer. Learn more.
Findings of IEA’s Linking Heat and Electricity Systems: Co-generation and District Heating and Cooling Solutions for a Clean Energy Future. Learn more.
A showcase of experience with the challenges and solutions of micro-grids, including a discussion contrasting specific geographic contexts while providing collective best practices. Learn more.
A review of the results from a study of the status of mini-grids in Tanzania. Learn more.
A discussion of the gap between available capital and the amount of financing required to scale up businesses in the off-grid energy industry in Africa—and potential solutions. Learn more.
An overview of REN21’s newly released Renewables 2016 Global Status Report, a look at off-grid renewables and their role in increasing energy access, and a discussion of the explosive growth of the sector and the market opportunities that the off-grid sector offers. Learn more.
Showcase of work underway in pay-as-you-go technologies and business models that Energy Access Practitioner Network members are testing and scaling Learn more.
En la sesión se analizará la situación actual del acceso a energía eléctrica y el desafío para lograr el acceso universal a la energía en las regiones de América Latina y el Caribe, y ofrecerá ideas sobre por qué la planificación es tan importante, así como las mejores prácticas para realizarla. Learn more.
A webinar on assessing electrification options for energy access planning and a discussion of critical points in decision-making for planning electrification strategies. Learn more.
An exploration of different approaches to delivering energy solutions to healthcare facilities in resource-constrained environments. Learn more.