Energy Access Webinars

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

An exploration of the role energy plays in strengthening health systems, particularly the functionality of health facilities and the services provided in them. Learn more.
A review of the Powering Jobs Census—the first comprehensive census of the decentralized renewable sector and its role in creating direct jobs as well as productive jobs in the communities being electrified for the first time. Learn more.
An overview of tools, methods and approaches—including state of the art research findings—for promoting entrepreneurial activities within energy access interventions. Learn more.
An overview of the status of the market for mini-grids in Nigeria, followed by a discussion of recent developments and the work on clean rural mini-grids that has been done by the Nigerian Energy Support Programme. Learn more.
A webinar on how policymakers can use test methods, quality standards and labelling to promote high-performing, off-grid appropriate appliances. Learn more.
An overview of the actions taken by the Puerto Rican Government following the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Learn more.
An introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) system approach to evaluating the status of standardization in low voltage direct current applications as well as non-conventional distribution networks. Learn more.
A webinar on scaling microgrid deployment in sub-Saharan Africa, including recent research from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on the role of batteries in microgrids and two new case studies. Learn more.
A discussion of a new funding opportunity designed to increase private-sector investment in the household solar market and support innovative technology solutions and business models across the household solar value chain that provide, or support the provision of, affordable energy access to low-income households and small businesses across sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more.
Training on the RealValue project, a smart electric thermal storage project that involves smart grid demand-side management and demand forecasting. Learn more.