The Global Renewable Energy Transition: Who is leading? (Webinar)

18 June 2019 to 19 June 2019

FOCUS: Europe (18 June 2019)

FOCUS: Asia (19 June 2019)

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Presentations—Introduction to the webinar and panelists: Europe and Asia

Presentations—Renewables 2019 Global Status Report: Europe and Asia

Webinar Audio Transcripts: Europe and Asia


The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), hosted these webinars on the launch of the 2019 version of REN21’s flagship report, the Renewables Global Status Report.

Renewable power is now mainstream, but uptake of renewables is uneven across the rest of energy sector, threatening countries’ abilities to limit the energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions and to meet the UN’s Sustainable Developmental Goal 7. A persistent dependency on fossil fuels and a lack of stable and integrated policies hinder renewable energy uptake.

The webinars presented the latest data on what is happening in the renewable energy sector drawing directly from REN21’s newly released Renewables 2019 Global Status Report. The webinars then looked at the global trends of the renewable energy where the power sector has consolidated itself as a mainstream option, driving rapid uptake, while slower uptake on the non-power sectors poses a challenge to the renewable energy future. Developments from one of two key regions—Europe or Asia—were highlighted. Each presentation covered the challenges the region faces, and the role of ambitious and integrated policy plays to enable an increasing share of renewables in the energy transformation.


Europe Webinar

Rana AdiRana Adib, Executive Secretary, REN21

Rana Adib is the Executive Secretary of REN21, which is a global public-private multi-stakeholder network on renewable energy headquartered at the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris, France. Previously, she was REN21’s Research Coordinator, developing the international expert community and leading the Renewables Global Status Report series to become an international reference. Previously, she worked in private industry and applied research in the areas of renewable energy, energy access and waste management. She was also responsible for coordinating the biogas-to-energy research programme of Veolia Environment. She has more than 20 years of experience in the energy sector. Ms. Adib holds a Master’s degree in industrial engineering from the University of Wedel in Germany.

Asia Webinar

Laura E. WilliamsonLaura E. Williamson, Outreach and Communication Manager, REN21

Laura E. Williamson is responsible for directing outreach and communication activities at REN21. Laura’s other activities include strategic development and coordination of the biennial International Renewable Energy Conference. From 2008 to 2013, Laura was the Project Director for HELIO International, an international think tank developing renewable energy solutions. Previously, she was a Programme Manager with the United Nations Environment Programme, leading on industry and sustainability issues. Over her career, Laura has co-authored numerous reports on the sustainability of energy systems and the contribution of renewables to increased climate resilience. She holds degrees from the University of Chicago and Tufts University, and she has more than 20 years of work experience in the field of renewable energy.