REN21 Renewables 2015 Global Status Report: Distributed Renewable Energy (Webinar)

10 September 2015

REN21 2015 Global Status Report Webinar Series > Distributed Renewable Energy

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), hosted this webinar on REN21’s flagship report, the Renewables 2015 Global Status Report, focusing on its findings related to distributed renewable energy. Participants learned what made 2014 another record year for renewables, how increased additions of solar PV and wind in the electricity sector have driven other energy sectors and how 2014 marks the first time we decoupled CO2 emissions from economic growth.

The webinar began with an overview of REN21’s newly released Renewables 2015 Global Status Report. It then looked at the status of distributed energy in sub-Saharan Africa. As REN21’s 2015 report shows, with a total installed capacity of roughly 147 gigawatts all of Africa has less power-generation capacity than Germany. Access to clean cooking continues to fall behind population, leading to negligible progress overall and a regression in some regions. Panelists also discussed the status of distributed renewables in the region and what can be done to increase adoption. Presentations were followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

About the Global Status Report: REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR), first released in 2005, provides a comprehensive and timely overview of renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy developments worldwide. The report is a true collaborative effort of authors, REN21 Secretariat staff and Steering Committee members, and regional research partners, and includes the input of over 500 individual contributors and reviewers. The GSR has become the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy business and policy, serving a wide range of audiences.


Rana AdibRana Adib, Research Coordinator, REN21

Since 2009, Rana Adib is the Research Coordinator at REN21, the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, based in Paris. Key among her responsibilities is the annual production of REN21’s highly referenced Renewables Global Status Report. Prior to REN 21 Rana worked for over 10 years in private industry and applied research in the area of renewable energy, energy access, and waste management. She was also responsible for coordinating the biogas-to-energy research programme of Veolia Environment. Rana holds a Master Degree in industrial engineering from the University of Wedel in Germany.

Fabiani AppavouFabiani Appavou

Fabiani Appavou is a consultant at REN21 working on the development of a distributed renewable energy data collection namely in developing countries. He also supports the work and research of REN21 in developing renewable energy and energy efficiency regional status report for Africa. He holds a Master in Energy Economics and Policy from the IFP School, Paris.