Open Source Energy System Modelling with OSeMOSYS (Webinar)

10 December 2013

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PresentationIntroduction to the webinar and panelists

PresentationOSeMOSYS: An Introduction

TranscriptWebinar audio transcript

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with partnership with 21st Century Power Partnership and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, hosted this training webinar on OSeMOSYS, the open-source energy modelling system. Panelists discuss energy modelling using OSeMOSYS, a fully fledged systems optimization model for long-term energy planning that is a simple, powerful, and transparent tool for informing the development of local, national and multi-regional energy strategies. OSeMOSYS is currently applied in a variety of projects ranging from smart grids and electric vehicles to a World Bank project assessing the climate resiliency of African energy infrastructure. It was created by a consortium of organizations, including 21st Century Power Partnership, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Environment Institute, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, International Atomic Energy Association, the UK Energy Research Centre, Stanford University, University of Cape Town, Paul Scherrer Institute, and North Carolina State University.


Neil StrachanNeil Strachan, Professor of Energy Economics and Modelling, University College London

Prof. Neil Strachan is an interdisciplinary energy economist. He is a Professor of Energy Economics and Modelling at the University College London (UCL) Energy Institute where he also serves as Director of Teaching. He received his PhD in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University in 2000. At the UCL Energy Institute, Neil's research interests revolve around energy-environment-economic modelling, the quantification of scenarios and transitions pathways, and interdisciplinary issues in energy economics and policy. Over the last 7 years he has been principal or co-investigator on research projects worth over £9 million. He is a lead author of the Energy Systems chapter of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report. He is the author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal papers and more 100 book chapters and technical reports.

Manuel WelschManuel Welsch, Lead Researcher, Division of Energy Systems Analysis, KTH

Manuel Welsch works as lead researcher in the Division of Energy Systems Analysis at KTH, focusing on the development and application of energy models. Before joining KTH, Manuel worked at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on UN-Energy, the Energy Facility of the European Commission, and at Bernard Engineers on the design of hydropower projects.

Thomas AlfstadThomas Alfstad, Energy Systems Analyst, International Atomic Energy Agency

Thomas Alfstad is an energy systems analyst with the Planning and Economic Studies Section at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) where he manages the Climate, Land-use, Energy and Water initiative for integrated analysis of resource systems. Before joining the IAEA he was an energy policy analyst with Brookhaven National Laboratories where he was responsible for projects focusing on U.S. federal energy policy. Prior to this, he served as a research officer at the University of Cape Town where his research mainly focused on power sector investment and assessment of policies and measures for sustainable energy development.