Past Clean Energy Webinars

20 November 2013
Jumpstarting Combined Heat and Power Initiatives in the United States

Exploration of how federal and state governments can lead promotion efforts to increase the use of combined heat and power (CHP)

13 November 2013
Low-carbon Urban Mobility Plan

Examination of the issues surrounding development of clean transport systems and programs, including possible solutions

13 November 2013
Getting Building Codes Right: The Importance of Long-Term Energy Targets and Frequent Revision Cycles

Investigation of the importance of setting ambitious energy targets and ensuring systematic and regular updates of building codes in light of long-term targets

6 November 2013
Global Renewable Energy Status and Medium-term Outlook Until 2018

Presentation and discussion of the key findings of REN21’s Renewables 2013 Global Status Report and IEA’s Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2013

29 October 2013
The Response by Flexibility on Electricity Project

Introduction to the Reflexe project, a smart grid research project aimed at implementing a smart grid pilot in France's Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region

2 October 2013
Bangladesh Solar Home System Program: Lessons Learned

Showcase of work underway in Bangladesh to support energy access using off-grid renewable energy

25 September 2013
Monitoring and Evaluating Green Public Procurement Programs: Benefits, Case Studies, and Recommendations

Presentation, discussion of key findings from the SEAD Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating (M&E) Green Public Procurement Programs, including best practices and lessons learned

24 September 2013
Development Impact Assessment in the Transport Sector

A webinar on identifying and evaluating the impacts of implementing sustainable transport systems on national development priorities, such as economic growth, health and gender equality.

18 September 2013
Energy Efficient Public Procurement: Best Practice in Program Delivery

Discussion of the challenges in delivering public procurement programs with a presentation of creative solutions adopted by different countries to overcome these challenges

17 September 2013
Transport Readiness for and Access to Climate Finance

A webinar addressing the appropriate framework for preparing for climate finance in the transport sector, how to access climate finance opportunities and how to address challenges.