Risk Assessment of Power Projects (Webinar)

19 April 2017

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PresentationIntroduction to the webinar and panelists

Presentation—Antonio Della Pelle: Risk Assessment of Power Projects

TranscriptWebinar audio transcript

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with Enerdata, hosted this webinar on risk analysis for power-related projects.

With the cost of renewables dropping each year, and with the need for additional energy capacity in regions such as Africa and Asia, having a rigorous methodology to identify areas of opportunities and risk is paramount. Enerdata’s in-house Energy Risk Index (ERI) methodology can execute risk analysis for power related projects. The ERI methodology is capable of qualifying and quantifying market risks, allowing companies to efficiently take actions to prevent loss of capital.

In the webinar, representatives of Enerdata discussed the outlook of global and regional energy trends, levelized cost of electricity trends, feed-in-tariff systems, benchmarking results between countries, and real case studies of power related projects including Malaysia, Cambodia and Japan. They touched on the main elements that a feasibility study for a power project needs to cover, such as policy and regulatory assessment, market assessment and sizing, technology selection, economic analysis, and risk assessment. In the case studies they assessed how the energy trade balances and energy policies are designing the future fuel mix for power generation. In the Japan case study, they assessed the nuclear restart, which of impacts liquefied natural gas (LNG) consumption in Japan and LNG prices globally (because Japan is a major global LNG importer). In the Indonesia case, the 1,000+ islands are a key factor in determining what power options are and are not feasible. In Malaysia, the absence of renewables presents a key dilemma for the future energy mix of the country, which is already experiencing a domestic oil and gas production shortage.


Antonio Della PelleAntonio Della Pelle, Managing Director, Enerdata Singapore

Antonio is a chartered chemical engineer with 20 years of experience working in the Energy Industry. Antonio has been advising several Governments and private Companies on projects related to Energy Markets Review, Global Energy Outlook, Power Generation and Energy Policies Analysis. Antonio is an expert in Industrial energy efficiency; energy policies, geopolitics and presented several papers in international forums. He has experience in Energy Management implementation, management of change and is a qualified coach. He has a wide technical and managerial knowledge on energy market, energy policies implications and assessment of Project Risk. He has been living in Asia since 2003. He is graduated from L’Aquila University in Italy CMEng (1st class) Chemical Engineering and INSEAD BUSINESS SCHOOL Singapore, Supply Chain Management programme. Antonio is currently a member of the board of the IChemE Energy Centre