Clean Energy Policy News

7 April 2016
During a recent visit to Thailand, IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol presented the IEA’s first policy review of the country—Thailand Electricity Security Assessment 2016–to the Deputy Prime Minister, who underlined that the launch of the Thailand Energy Information Centre is an important step towards better energy policymaking. Learn more.
5 April 2016
Finance for Resilience (FiRe), a platform to crowdsource and champion new ideas to accelerate finance for clean energy, low-carbon infrastructure, and sustainable cities, today announced the four 2016 winners of its annual competition at Bloomberg New Energy Finance's Future of Energy Summit. Learn more.
4 April 2016
U.S. President Obama, accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama, met with newly elected Argentine President Mauricio Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada. Together, the leaders explored opportunities to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Argentina and partner to address global challenges such as climate change. Argentina will attend the next Clean Energy Ministerial meeting as an official observer. Argentina can also work with the United States and other countries to improve energy efficiency policies and access the Solutions Center for information on increasing use of clean energy technologies. Learn more.
4 April 2016
Since its formation in 2011, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has grown its engagement to more than 175 countries, with activities taking place in 90 countries around the world. IRENA has provided advisory support to dozens of countries, assisting them with policy frameworks to scale up renewable energy deployment. Learn more.
1 April 2016
A new United Nations report finds that all investments in renewables, including early-stage technology and research and development as well as spending on new capacity, totaled US$286 billion in 2015, about 3% higher than the previous record set in 2011. Since 2004, the world has invested US$2.3 trillion in renewable energy. Just as significantly, developing world investments in renewables topped those of developed nations for the first time in 2015, the report indicates. Learn more.
29 March 2016
The Global Wind Energy Council’s flagship Global Wind Report provides a comprehensive snapshot of the global wind industry, which is now present in more than 80 countries, 24 of which have more than 1,000 megawatts (MW) installed and 14 of which have more than 5,000 MW installed. This year's report edition includes insights into the 20 top wind markets across the world, a five-year market forecast out to 2020 and a chapter on the global offshore wind market. Learn more.
24 March 2016
Indian banks and financial institutions are gearing up to assist the government to achieve its renewable energy target of 175 GW by March 2022. The government has received funding commitments for 76,352 MW of renewable energy capacity with a total outlay of Rs 382,255 crore over the next five years. Learn more.
23 March 2016
The Australian Federal Government is starting up a $1 billion Clean Energy Innovation Fund to support the development of renewable energy technology. The fund will be run by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency or ARENA. Learn more.
16 March 2016
Morocco is planning a $40-billion investment program in the energy sector for the next 15 years, including $30 billion for renewable energy. Morocco aims to secure 42 per cent of its energy mix from renewable sources by 2020. Learn more.
14 March 2016
A new United Nations Foundation's Energy Access Practitioner Network portal showcases individual and aggregated financing needs of over 200 Practitioner Network member. These members operate at the forefront of the global off-grid energy sector and present a combined total investment opportunity of over US$1 billion, which is needed to catalyze energy access in support of the Sustainable Energy for All goal of achieving universal access to modern energy services by 2030. Learn more.