Clean Energy Policy News

12 May 2016
Argentina's Pampa Energia plans to invest $400 million in thermal and wind energy projects if it wins a tender process for renewable power projects. Learn more.
11 May 2016
The Global Alliance for Energy Productivity today announced the release of the Energy Productivity Playbook, which details how public sector, private sector and nonprofit organizations can collaborate to double an economy’s energy productivity by emplacing a policy infrastructure that supports and drives investment in energy efficiency. Learn more.
4 May 2016
Vision Ridge Partners and GSSG Solar have announced the financing of a major 46.8 megawatt solar energy project in Japan's Nagano Prefecture. The announcement comes as Japan continues a transition toward domestic renewable energy production, driven in part by strong cooperation with global partners. The project is expected to produce enough energy to power more than 3,800 households annually when it is completed and grid-connected by 2017. Learn more.
3 May 2016
The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), in partnership with the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), has released a new analysis on green banks and green bonds. The analysis suggest that the two financing tools could attract much needed low-cost finance for clean energy projects and open the market to India's huge clean energy potential while helping India achieve its climate goals. Learn more.
3 May 2016
Join the SAFE WG in Advocating for Humanitarian Energy Access at the World Humanitarian Summit (c) UNHCR B. Bannon Kenya 2011The Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) Humanitarian Working Group aims to raise awareness about energy access before and during the World Humanitarian Summit through several channels, and encourages you to add your voice to the thousands of others advocating for important issues in humanitarian response. Help spread the word that Energy Matters for the nearly 60 million displaced women, men, boys and girls living in humanitarian settings around the world. Learn more.
2 May 2016
The United Nations Climate Change Secretariat has published an update to its synthesis report on the collective impact of national climate action plans (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs), submitted by governments as contributions to global climate action under the Paris Agreement. The updated report captures the overall impact of 161 national climate plans covering 189 countries and 95.7% of total global emissions. INDCs are expected to deliver sizeable emission reductions and slow down emissions growth in the coming decade. However, these are still not enough to keep the global temperature rise since pre-industrial times to below 2 degrees Celsius. Learn more.
1 May 2016
IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol today urged investment in high-quality and innovative energy infrastructure when he delivered a keynote address on the first day of the G7 Energy Ministerial 2016 meeting in Kitakyushu, Japan. In his remarks, Dr. Birol focused on the importance of energy investment for global growth and meeting climate objectives while ensuring secure and affordable energy supply. Learn more.
28 April 2016
Today, energy ministries from Canada, Mexico and the United States announced that nine companies will join the North American Energy Management Pilot Program to promote implementation of the ISO 50001 international energy management system standard. Learn more.
25 April 2016
India and France have launched the International Solar Alliance (ISA) program, which aims to help developing countries take advantage of their solar resources. The main goal of ISA is to allow a universal access to affordable solar energy technologies, which have made significant progress in the last decade. Learn more.
25 April 2016
The Solar Energy Corporation of India has issued a tender for 500 megawatts of grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems in various states across India. India has a target of 40 gigawatts of rooftop solar capacity by 2022. Learn more.