Past Clean Energy Webinars

9 October 2014
The SmartSacramento Smart Grid Project

How the U.S. Department of Energy and California’s Sacramento Municipal Utility District have helped fund more than 40 smart grid initiatives and R&D projects

18 September 2014
The Role of Labelling and Certification Schemes in Renovation Policy Packages: Key Lessons from Global Best Practices

Stories of successfully implementing labelling and certification schemes in the Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States

16 September 2014
Pay as You Go: A Sunny Future?

Showcase of work underway in pay-as-you-go technologies and business models that Energy Access Practitioner Network members are testing and scaling

10 September 2014
Improving Global Comparability of Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels

Key findings of the Improving Global Comparability of Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels report

15 July 2014 to 16 July 2014
SEAD Global Efficiency Medal Competition for Lighting Products

On entering this international competition for lighting products by the Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment Initiative

10 July 2014
REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: Europe

Review of the renewable energy market, industry, and policy trends in Europe

9 July 2014
Towards Universal Energy Access in Ghana

Reflections on priorities, approaches and ongoing efforts on electrification in Ghana, including opportunities for engaging in off-grid business opportunities

8 July 2014
REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: North America

Annual overview of the renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide

3 July 2014
REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: Middle East and North Africa

Review of the renewable energy market, industry, and policy trends in the MENA region

2 July 2014
REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: India

Review of the renewable energy market, industry, and policy trends in India