Past Clean Energy Webinars

10 December 2014
How to Upscale Deep Renovations Using Financial Mechanisms: Insight from Best-Practice Jurisdictions on Incentives and Drivers

Answers to the critical question: How financing schemes be developed to support and leverage the large investments needed to “go deep” in the European Union and the United States?

9 December 2014
Micro-grids: Best Practices around Technology Challenges

A showcase of experience with the challenges and solutions of micro-grids, including a discussion contrasting specific geographic contexts while providing collective best practices.

4 December 2014
ASEAN Renewable Energy Guidelines

Introduction to the ASEAN Renewable Energy Guidelines, a comprehensive set of online tools that include information on ideal renewable energy project development cycles in Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries.

3 December 2014
Mini-Grids Quality Assurance Framework

Presentation of a mini-grids QA framework designed to address the root challenges of providing quality power to remote consumers through financially viable mini-grids.

2 December 2014
Large-scale Energy Efficiency in Indian Buildings: The Impact and Role of the Energy Conservation Building Code

Scientists and building energy professionals discuss ongoing efforts to roll out the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, as well as results of a pilot building on the Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur campus.

19 November 2014
Acceso a la Energía en Perú (Spanish-Language Webinar)

An exploration—in Spanish—of residual energy access issues in Peru in the run up to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties that will be held in Peru, December 2014

18 November 2014
Energy Access in Peru

An exploration of residual energy access issues in Peru in the run up to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties that will be held in Peru, December 2014.

18 November 2014
Clean Energy Retail Investing: The Rise of Bonds, REITs, Yield Cos and Other Investment Vehicles (The Climate Group)

Leading financial and impact-investing experts examine bonds, REITs, yieldcos and related investment vehicles and how clean energy deployment is opening up to retail investors.

13 November 2014
Climatescope 2014: Mapping the Global Frontiers for Clean Energy Investment

A review of the highlights and findings of Climatescope, a country-by-country assessment that evaluates the state of climate-related investment.

23 October 2014
Information Technology Solutions for Boosting Procurement Monitoring

Discussion of the benefits and shortcomings of IT procurement solutions and a sharing of global best practices and innovative solutions.