Past Clean Energy Webinars

12 December 2017
State of Play for End-of-Life Recycling for Off-Grid Solar E-Waste

A showcase of the state of the sector for end-of-life strategies and recycling for electronic waste from off-grid products, in particular solar PV.

30 November 2017
Promoting Energy Efficiency Finance: Examples of Tools and Best Practices

A webinar is to provide policymakers, financiers and energy efficiency practitioners an example of energy efficiency finance tool as well as real world case studies that have proven successful in various energy contexts in and beyond the Americas.

16 November 2017
Gestión energética: beneficios, desafíos y oportunidades de ahorro de energía en pequeños y medianos hotels

El objectivo del webinar es promover el uso de energía asequible, confiable, sostenible y moderna entre los pequeños y medianos hoteles en las Américas.

7 November 2017
Determining Future Energy Efficiency Potential across Sectors: Case Study on Germany

A webinar on the main energy efficiency drivers at the sectoral and end-use levels, and their impact on future energy consumption.

18 October 2017
Tarifs d’achats (FITs) pour les mini-réseaux : Politique innovante ou impracticable?

Cet atelier de formation fournit un survol d’une politique innovante pour encourager l’électrification rurale, soit une politique qui a éprouvé un succès énorme sur le plan international pour encourager les énergies renouvelables connectées au réseau : le tarif d’achat ou « feed-in tariff » (FIT).

5 October 2017
Performance-Based Regulation: The Power of Outcomes (Part 2)

An exploration of some of the principles of successful—and not-so-successful—performance-based regulation (PBR) PBR efforts, along with considerations for regulators and policymakers who might want to take advantage of PBR.

26 September 2017
Exploring Opportunities for PAYG Solar as a Driver of Financial Inclusion

A webinar highlighting the opportunities for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar to be a driver of mobile money adoption and introduce a new tool to guide rapid market assessments.

21 September 2017
Performance-Based Regulation: The Power of Outcomes (Part 1)

An introduction to the fundamentals of performance-based regulation (PBR), why it is important and how policymakers have used PBR to further specific goals in the United States and Europe.

14 September 2017
Boston Community Energy Study

An exploration of the resilience provided by microgrids in the face of potential threats, including severe weather events and terrorism, with a focus on the Boston Community Energy Study.

6 September 2017
Transmission Planning for a High Renewable Energy Future: Lessons from the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zones Process

An overview of the regulatory, procedural and technical considerations that were critical to the successful implementation of Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in the U.S. state of Texas.