Past Clean Energy Webinars

14 March 2017
Analyse de la performance avec RETScreen

Formation sur le Module sur l'analyse de la performance de RETScreen Expert, un système complet de gestion d'énergies propres qui permet aux gestionnaires d'énergie de mesurer et de vérifier (M&V) facilement la performance énergétique en continu de bâtiments, d'usines et centrales électriques à travers le monde.

1 March 2017
Scaling Off-grid Energy Grand Challenge for Development: New Partnership Opportunity

A discussion of a new funding opportunity designed to increase private-sector investment in the household solar market and support innovative technology solutions and business models across the household solar value chain that provide, or support the provision of, affordable energy access to low-income households and small businesses across sub-Saharan Africa.

28 February 2017
Powering Healthcare: Approaches to Delivering Sustainable Energy Solutions in the Health Sector

An exploration of different approaches to delivering energy solutions to healthcare facilities in resource-constrained environments.

15 February 2017
Performance Analysis with RETScreen

Training on the Performance Analysis Module of RETScreen Expert, a comprehensive clean energy management system which allows facility energy managers to easily measure and verify (M&V) the actual and ongoing energy performance of buildings, factories and power plants around the world.

7 February 2017
A Review of the Africa Solar Market

An overview of the on- and off-grid solar markets in Africa, focusing on installed capacities, forecast, challenges and opportunities—and a discussion of population and electrification issues as well as a presentation of a country benchmark.

25 January 2017
Energy Policy, Research and Innovation in Sweden

An overview of the goals and vision of the current Swedish Energy Policy and a review of the context of the Swedish energy system and the roles of stakeholders in the system.

17 January 2017
Enabling Enterprise Development: A Selection of Best Practices in Harnessing Distributed Energy for Productive Uses

An exploration of the role of distributed energy solutions in enabling and promoting enterprise development in sub-Saharan Africa via a recently launched publication compiled by the Africa EU Energy Partnership.

11 January 2017
Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

An exploration of the links between climate and building energy efficiency policies, and a discussion of the role of public-private cooperation in improving building energy efficiency as part of climate change mitigation.

10 January 2017 or 12 January 2017
2017 CEM Energy Management Leadership Awards

Presentations on how to participate in the 2017 CEM Energy Management Leadership Awards.

15 December 2016
Global Wind Energy Outlook 2016

An overview of the recently released Global Wind Energy Outlook 2016.